Pneuma Films je video produkcija sa iskustvom u snimanju različitih vrsta namenskih promotivnih videa, reklama, online kurseva, video izveštaja sa događaja i projekata, videa za fandrejzing kampanje...
Pored uslužnog snimanja i montaže, ono što nam je posebno važno je društveno angažovano delovanje, koje se ogleda, kako kroz video i druge multimedijalne forme, tako i kroz edukativno-razvojne programe, fokusirane prvenstveno na mlade.
Naša misija je da kroz naš rad promovišemo vrednosti koje doprinose dobrobiti i razvoju, kako pojedinaca, tako i manjih ili većih zajednica.
co-founder and videographer
Luka is studying filmmaking at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. Besides making videos he successfully performs magic tricks, illusions and hypnosis. Combining these elements with video production he reached the superfinal of famous show „Serbia’s Got Talent“. He is an author of numerous films including "George Melies", "The Traveler" and "Charlie Chaplin" which were awarded. He was part of camera crew filming „Hotel Belgrade“ movie project. Being awarded Goethe-Institut scholarship, Luka participated in „Film Workshop“ in Tokyo.
co-founder and videographer
Nikola is a videographer, youthworker, activist and an audio and video techologies engineer by profession. He has gained experience working in television, radio and for web portal as well as a freelance videographer. A co-author of the "Education for 4.0 revolution" documentary and an author of several award winning multimedial projects. He is constantly striving to learn new things and to improve himself. What motivates him is a chance to create something new and promote important values through his work, in order to contribute making this world a better place.